Three Ways to a Creative 2021

three ways creative 2021 craftiosity

During 2020, more than ever we sought out creativity and mindfulness as a source of calm amongst uncertainty. Focusing in on what we're creating and putting our hands to use has been a magical way to find tranquility.

So here's 3 ways to continue that with a more mindful and creative 2021...


It's usually on our New Year's resolution lists, but this year we plan to see this through for the whole of 2021. Taking the time each morning or evening to write a few words and thoughts or draw a few pictures that sum up your mood is a wonderful way to reflect and reset for the next day.

One way to add some creativity to this tip is to embellish your journal of choice. For January's kit, we're needle-pointing a journal cover - which will make for a gorgeous tactile feel every time you go to scribble!

Getting into nature

It's also been a year of discovery of our local outdoor spots and many (including us) have found this to be a wonderful source of inspiration.

There's a wealth of creativity to be gained in nature and we've been making the most of our walks as a time to ponder new projects, source materials and take pictures to treat as our muse.

One tip to being more mindful, focused and creative when out on these walks is to explore a particular colour or texture and gather photos on that theme. For example, study the colour yellow as you amble around the neighbourhood - it doesn't all have to be natural beauty, even a grit bin fits the yellow theme and could prompt an idea!

three ways creative 2021 craftiosity

Work on your Green Fingers

Whether it's a basil plant on your kitchen window-ledge, a big planter of veg in your garden or a simple indoor plant in your living room, growing and tending to living greenery is a known contributor to mindfulness that we are bringing into 2021!

Not only does watching a plant thrive under your care give a sense of responsibility and joy, but plants also purify the air, making it cleaner and healthier. As well, the feeling of calm that the colour green evokes, helps us think creatively and enjoy crafting in the moment all the more.

Top tip: Make your indoor flora a muse for your creativity - examine a leaf on your monstera, ficus or your own favourite plant, and recreate it in carved lino for block printing...

A few years ago, we explored all the lovely physical and mental health benefits that these leafy friends bring us, have a read here.

From all of us at Craftiosity, we wish you a very happy and creative 2021!

Photo Credits: Julia Kicova and Mikka Luotio


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Here’s the deal: we do the planning, you do the making. Go on, get creative!

Each month, we design a limited edition craft kit for you - it could be macramé, ceramics, bookbinding, or something completely different!

This November, dive into our Festive Macramé Magic kit and create three beautiful macramé Christmas trees in festive green, berry red, and natural tones, along with two delightful macramé stars.

Ready to join the creative adventure?


As seen in